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French Vocabulary Bingo
has been added to your shopping cartReinforce French vocabulary with a game that utilizes auditory and visual learning styles. Players see the image, the name of the item in French, and hear it pronounced by the caller. Pronunciation Guide included. 2 to 6 players 2018 update features illus
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(C$27.99 +tax)
(C$27.99 +tax)
French Trivia Game
has been added to your shopping cartWhat is it?: It’s a trivia type game • 120 questions per set, broken down into 5 categories, play each separately or as a whole. • Questions on a common theme for language learners. • Question on front of card, answer on reverse • Use for games or activit
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(C$8.99 +tax)
(C$8.99 +tax)
Vignette Visuelles
has been added to your shopping cart4 VERY large full-colour murals (32” x 60”) for guided lessons, imbedded with visual scenarios of the basic interactions of the curriculum.
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(C$79.99 +tax)
(C$79.99 +tax)
French Phonics Fun for Beginner Readers - Vowel Sounds
has been added to your shopping cartExcellent resource to introduce and practice French vowels for beginner readers. All vowels sounds and their spellings. Supports early reading skills.
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(C$49.99 +tax)
French Vocabulary Flash Cards
has been added to your shopping cartThese cards introduce French with eight basic vocabulary words in each of seven categories: nature, vehicles, market, animals, clothing, colors and home. Each card is printed with the word, an illustration of the word, and the word in a sentence. In Frenc
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(C$17.99 +tax)
French Trivia Game
has been added to your shopping cartDébutant/Moyen
Categories/Catégories :
-à l’école
-les vêtements
-à table
-la communauté
-chez nous.
Categories/Catégories :
-à l’école
-les vêtements
-à table
-la communauté
-chez nous.
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(C$8.99 +tax)
(C$8.99 +tax)
French Trivia Game
has been added to your shopping cartDébutant/Moyen
Present tense of common regular and irregular verbs including/Temps présent des verbes réguliers et irréguliers incluant
-les verbes avoir
-verbes en ‘er’
-faire, aller
-verbes en ‘dre’
-verbes en ‘ir’
Present tense of common regular and irregular verbs including/Temps présent des verbes réguliers et irréguliers incluant
-les verbes avoir
-verbes en ‘er’
-faire, aller
-verbes en ‘dre’
-verbes en ‘ir’
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(C$8.99 +tax)
(C$8.99 +tax)