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CVC Flip
has been added to your shopping cartCVC Flips is an early flip stand for teaching the spellings of consonant-vowel-consonant words (CVC). Images form when correct spellings are made that relate to the word.
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(C$14.99 +tax)
(C$14.99 +tax)
Decodable Readers Library - Fiction
has been added to your shopping cartWritten specifically for the progression of Letters and Sounds, these readers will follow children week-by-week through the programme providing them text-based context to practise their emerging reading skills.
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(C$199.99 +tax)
CVC Blender
has been added to your shopping cartThe exciting word building game allows children to blend sounds to make new words. It focuses on the most common words in Consonant Vowel Consonant patterns.
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(C$27.99 +tax)
(C$27.99 +tax)
(C$14.99 +tax)
Rainbow Arc - Alphabet Magnetic Arc
has been added to your shopping cartThe Alphabet Arc is a double-sided magnetic arc, with the alphabet presented on one side and a rainbow presented on the other. Comes in four quadrants, which can also be used for teaching the sequencing of letters. Ages 4+.
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Letters & Sounds Kit - Phase 4 Blends
has been added to your shopping cartThe Common Core blend kit provides a collection of resource for teaching blends and blending.
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(C$139.99 +tax)
Rainbow Phonics Magnetic Letter Set
has been added to your shopping cartSet of 84 magnetic foam letters with unique in-built magnetic board. Children build new words on the magnetic board as they discover new letter patterns.
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(C$39.99 +tax)
Reading Accelerator Cards Set 1
has been added to your shopping cartFast Track your reading with Bruno the Brontosaurus and the Smart Tray!
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(C$19.99 +tax)
50 Letters & Sounds Activity Cards
has been added to your shopping cart50 Letters & Sounds Activities is a set of 50 double-sided activities cards for teaching synthetic phonics. Topics include: identifying phonemes, blending, decoding, syllables, alphabet, digraphs, segmenting, reading, tricky words, adjacent consonants, sp
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(C$19.99 +tax)
(C$19.99 +tax)
Fraction Flips - Double Sided Flip Stand
has been added to your shopping cartFraction Flips is a double-sided flip stand with different fraction examples on one side and equivalence (fractions, decimals and percentages) on the other. Pages are color-coded according to their corresponding equivalence which makes the book great for
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(C$14.99 +tax)
Calculating Accelerator Cards Set 1 for Smart Tray
has been added to your shopping cartFast track your calculating skills with Ben the Bee and the Smart Tray!
Ages 5-7. Grades K-2. Improve calculating skills involving the four operations. Visual math used throughout. Activities begin with simple tasks of addition and subtraction. Covers
Ages 5-7. Grades K-2. Improve calculating skills involving the four operations. Visual math used throughout. Activities begin with simple tasks of addition and subtraction. Covers
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(C$19.99 +tax)